Achieving that initial sale with the customer is just one step in the relationship. Your clients may have arrived at your business because of your sales process (which we can help with) but they’ll stay because of the dedicated customer service you provide. Even in such a tech-infused business world, how you treat the client remains the biggest measure of value for your business. Let’s look at why customer service still matters and how you can build strong customer relations:

Customer service: a central distinguisher

Despite the speed of automation or even brand recognition, customer service remains one of the quintessential factors of business success. There are a lot of other companies competing for your customers, new and old. Often times securing the sale and keeping these customers relies on good customer service to establish a bond of trust in your brand. Your customer service actually makes you stand apart from competition. This is done by going out of your way to satisfy customer needs. It’s done by addressing your customers with empathy and actively engaging with them to enhance their satisfaction in your work. Strong customer service is a gift that keeps on giving, both for you and your customer. Here’s why:

Customer Loyalty

Treat your customers right and they will become loyal to your brand and continue paying for your service. Customer loyalty means that you have secured a continuous stream of revenue which helps you maintain and achieve vertical growth and name recognition. Remember, it’s easier to keep a customer than spend the time and resources to get new ones. You’ve made the sale, so you’ve earned that trust. If you continue to please your customers and nurture that relationship, they’ll remain your customers – so you’ll continue making sales with them but without the pains of landing new accounts!

Strong Reputation

Happy customers are a marketing tool in-themselves. As you continue to excel in maintaining and improving your customer service, the news will spread. Poor or lack of customer service is a significant deterrent for repeat business. Around 68% of customers leave because of a poor experience. Retaining a loyal customer base is a big statement to other prospects that you deliver for your customers and take pride in doing so effectively. This also is indicative that you’re not putting customers through long waits or making a lot of mistakes in your delivery. Or, at the very least that you deftly resolve issues to keep customers loyal. The effectiveness of customer service is a major stamp of credibility and leading edge in today’s competitive market,

Brand Champions

What’s better than claiming your company is great? Having customers do it for you! Good customer service can turn one customer into many as your customers recommend your business to others. This is something that’s not only earned by bringing value to your customers through product, but by addressing their needs through customer service. Remember, nurturing the buyer is a constant journey. As you keep impressing your customers, they will return your service by praising and recommending your work and customer service. You can also use these customers for success stories and other media to promote your business.

Fostering strong customer service to drive success

The opportunities from customer experience will continue from the first sale onward if you maintain the customer relationship. In order to be a valued company, you need to show that you value your customers. You can do this several ways in addition to providing prompt and effective service. Here are a few best practices.

  • Keep open lines of communication. Periodically reach out to your customers to ensure their satisfaction with your product or see how you can improve the process. Surveys are a great way to identify service delivery problems and/or ways to improve.

  • Innovate! Customers love it when you improve your service by making their lives easier or improving your process through new tools or methods.

  • Provide fast service. As a part of your innovation, try to increase your rate of turnaround for customers; everyone likes to get what they need sooner!

  • Keep the personal touch. If issues become heated or a major error happens, take the chance to step in, listen to concerns with sympathy, and then work with customers to resolve the problem. This assures the customer that you take their needs seriously.

  • Another great personal touch is to give discounts or gifts to long-time customers.

  • Having a loyalty program is another great way to incentivize repeat business and maintain happy relationships.

  • Nurture your customer relationship with a steady stream of value-added content like blogs and newsletters. This lets them remain connected to your brand and shows that you are happy to provide updates and useful information.

  • Celebrate your customers’ success by featuring them in success stories. This shows your appreciation for customers and also gives you valuable marketing collateral that promotes the direct results of your company.

We’ll help you digitally communicate your excellent customer service

At Rystedt Creative, we believe that excellent customer service begins in the sales process. We’ll help you strategically and effectively communicate your excellent value to potential customers while they’re still "just browsing" and give you ways to keep them returning for more. Contact us today!

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