Reflections on our First Year in Business

What have you loved about your first year in business? Joshua A few weeks after quitting my full time office job to run Rystedt Creative I remarked to Gabrielle that this was the best decision of our marriage. Why? The time with my family means the world to me and I'm now pursuing one of my passions full time (my previous job didn't have a very positive or creative environment). I love that I can answer client questions any time they have them. I love the people I have worked with so far - especially Farm Market iD, Lady Environmental, and Holy Cross Lutheran Church. I love the combination of creativity and organization that running a business like this requires. Gabrielle I guess to answer this I need to back up a few months before we actually started Rystedt Creative. You could say it’s the “inception moment”, when Josh and I sat down to talk about our future and decided to actually do this crazy thing and start a business. I say crazy because, well, it was crazy. It still is. And I love that about this whole thing. We said “yes” to an off-the-wall idea (okay, not that off the wall – we’re both first born INTJs – there’s no true off-the-wall here) and went forth and did the dang thing. Together. I love that Rystedt Creative is truly a family business. Sometimes our three-year-old will want to “play client”, and we have to answer phone calls and talk about copywriting or blog posts. The whole thing is awesome to me. What have you not loved about your first year in business? Joshua Let's face it, running a new…

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The Most Important Factor in Successful Business

There are many important factors that make up a successful business. Motivated employees, technology usage (hey, we can help with that), financial investment, marketing strategy, and more. Yet I think there is a single most important factor in successful business. Your committed diligence in accomplishing what you love is the most important factor in a successful business. Perhaps this principle could be broken down into two factors: hard work and passion. Yet I think they go together. If your passion doesn't motivate you to work hard you may not be as passionate as you think you are! This successful business factor, this passionate diligence, is actually one of the most important factors for a successful life. A successful king of the 10th century B.C. once wrote: "Keep thine heart with all diligence: for thereout cometh life" and "A slothful hand maketh poor: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich." According to this successful man the contents of one's life springs up from one's heart (one's passion). Furthermore, diligent work leads to success. What worked three millennia ago still works today. [text_with_frame id="368c1dbfefba91dceb946d322e0e86bc" content="‹¨›p‹˜›‹¨›em‹˜›If you find this article helpful consider giving it a share‹¯›nbsp;‹¨›/em‹˜›?‹¨›/p‹˜›" line_color="rgba(0,0,0,.07)" text_font="body" heading_font="heading" animation="none" animation_speed="2" animation_delay="0" __fw_editor_shortcodes_id="e6852c2dacc162bc8c34ba646905e841" _fw_coder="aggressive"][/text_with_frame] Growing a Successful Business and a Thriving Family I wear a lot of hats (perhaps you do as well). The most important role I have is as husband and father. I have a growing family (our third child is due soon) and love every moment of it. I am passionate about my wife and my children and that drives me to work hard. If I didn't love these people as much as I do I wouldn't expend nearly…

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Blessed All Hallows’ Eve from Rystedt Creative

A blessed All Hallows' Eve to all our readers! The close of October marks the close of our fourth month running this creative firm. We love the clients we have the pleasure of serving. Thank you for trusting us to help you improve your online presence. The Web can seem a bit mysterious (and even scary) for many of us. The Web has come a long way since "Web 1.0" in the 90s. Keeping up with search engine optimization, social networking, email campaigns, and content marketing are enough to keep one busy every day of the week. Thankfully, you don't need to perform an exorcism on your website. We know the appropriate rites to get your site acting the way it should. But don't take our word for it: Joshua at Rystedt Creative was beyond helpful when we ran into technical issues with our website. His extensive WordPress and Woocommerce knowledge helped to answer all of our web development questions. He was always available with a friendly demeanor and ready to talk us through our questions and what needed to be edited or changed on the website, and even showed us via screen-share the exact steps necessary. We greatly enjoyed working with Joshua and would recommend him to anyone! – Mallory Olson, Rocket Active Gear Here is some of the most hallowed content we've published in the last four months: Tools The Outstanding Website Quiz and Checklist There are currently over one billion websites online but few of them stand out from the crowd. Use our quiz and checklist to see if you stand out online. Website Self-Evaluation To complement our evaluations and consultations we have developed this website self-evaluation.…

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Teaching Very Young Children Programming Skills

Basic programming and logic skills are no longer a niche skillset. Most people who learn basic computer logic skills can put those skills to use in everyday circumstances. With basic programming and logic skills Microsoft Excel functions seem less like spreadsheet wizardry, troubleshooting your home machine becomes less aggravating, and tweaking some of the HTML for your blog isn't nearly so intimidating. Programming and logic skillsets also help develop organizational and problem solving skills. Yet most educational systems still aren't teaching such concepts to students. So we are starting to teach the concepts to our children early. There are some things we can begin teaching even our 2 year old daughter that will be invaluable later. Yet we don't want her glued to a screen. Her parents are on their computers most of the day - she doesn't need to be yet. So we are using books and toys to teach some simple concepts early without the use of actual computers. Logic skills and technical terms don't require a computer to teach. Logical Problem Solving For Christmas 2016 we bought our daughter the Fisher-Price Code-a-pillar. She was scared of it at first but has since come around to this adorable caterpillar with flashing lights. This toy has different segments each with its own color and command - such as "turn right" or "stop and sing a song". Each segment connects to the rest of the toy caterpillar through a USB port. Our children can rearrange the caterpillar's segments to make it do different things and navigate around different rooms and obstacles. The Code-a-pillar is about as simple as a programming toy can get. It doesn't teach if-then-else type logic but…

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