Blog posts are an essential part of your marketing strategy. But when you’re developing your editorial schedule, it can be a challenge to target the ideal blog posts that your readers want to see.

As you balance post types, topics and authors, you need to also consider your blog post lengths. But does length really matter?

In short, yes.

Blog post length is important for driving new customers to your site and to boost your SEO rankings. Aim to vary your blog post lengths to keep content fresh and make your site look like it’s run by actual humans sharing useful information.

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Want to mix it up? Here are the top blog post lengths you should aim for:

Short (300-600 Words)

Short blog posts offer information quickly and concisely. Your readers can be in and out without dedicating any significant time to your post. While this might sound like a bad thing, in a day and age where readers have shorter attention spans than ever, it’s actually not.

When writing short posts, aim to cross the 300 word threshold – anything shorter works against your SEO – but keep it below 600 to maintain brevity.

A lot of marketers still think that the 500-800 word “essay” post is best, but when everyone’s doing it, no one stands out. Don’t blend in with the crowd.

Long (1,000-2,000 Words)

Long form blog posts are very popular right now, and for good reason. They give your readers more than a bit of information to whet the whistle and they are the right length for including keywords or phrases without unnatural stuffing.

Long blog posts give SEO crawlers something to “read”, and this in turn helps them to think that you’re an expert on said topic, which ultimately boosts your SEO performance.

On the human side of things, long posts deliver relevant content in an approachable format that your readers find truly valuable. When you use skimmable subheaders and short paragraphs, readers can easily take a break and pick up where they left off, or skim the post to pick up the most important points.

Very Long (>2,000 Words)

Very long posts are the least common post type, but really offer something for your readers to dig into. Brands turn more and more to very long posts to establish their authority in the field and drive traffic, primarily through backlinks from others who don’t feel like doing the research and extensive reporting that a very long post requires.

They’re also popular for readers who want to learn more about your field, whether they’re considering your products or simply have an interest in whatever it is you do. For example, consider the reader who works five days a week and doesn’t have time for recreational reading, but makes room for a nice long post on Saturday morning while enjoying a cup of coffee and a leisurely breakfast.

Very long posts often act as newspaper feature articles once did. They should ideally inform and entertain.

Unlike newspaper articles which were read one day and used to line the birdcage the next, very long articles tend to generate enduring interest over time and will draw readers to your site even months later. A few well thought out very long posts can do a world of good for your blog.

Want to fill your editorial schedule but don’t have enough time to write all those posts? Contact us to learn more about how our copywriting services can help you to achieve your content creation goals!

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